Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year's Resolution: Meditate Daily

I can't remember the last time I made a New Year's resolution. Typically, it's not my thing. But last month I read two articles about the benefits of meditation, and both articles seemed to be speaking directly to me. It just so happens that my new resolve to begin meditating daily coincides with the start of the New Year. And therefore, I'm calling it a resolution.

In Rachel Combe's article for the December issue of Elle magazine, she discusses "decision fatigue" and how it undermines self-control. As a new mom, I'm amazed (and not in a good way) at the number of decisions I make on a daily basis solely for the hoped-for benefit of my baby's well-being. What time should he be fed. How much should he be fed. What time should he go down for a nap. How many times should he go down. Did he sleep long enough? Does he need a bath? If he watches five minutes of Finding Nemo so I can cut his fingernails, am I giving him ADHD in the future?

It's exhausting. No wonder I find myself craving (and rewarding myself with) sugar and caffeine in the later afternoon/early evening. Every. Single. Day.

So guess what's good at fostering self-control. Two things: sleep and meditation. Since my ability to sleep is somewhat out of my control these days -- even if I go to be at 9:30 I'm lucky to get seven hours most nights -- I'll be focusing on the latter.

Similarly, in Whitney Joiner's article, "More (Will) Power to You" in the current issue of Whole Living (that I can't seem to find online) she lists the top seven methods of building self-discipline. Guess what tops the list. That's right. Meditation.

Last year, the one and only Gwyneth Paltrow also resolved to meditate (guess I'm not that original). Here's what her fancy friends had to say on the subject. And here's what friend and life coach extroadinaire, Suzannah Scully, has to say on the subject (if you're looking for someone who you can more easily relate to).

The year is still early, and so far I've managed to take five minutes every night (yes, all two of them) to focus on breathing deeply and reigning in my thoughts. So far there hasn't been any 'aha' moments. I'll let you know in a month or so how it's going, and what I think the benefits are. As for what I hope the benefits to be -- a little more mental strength and a whole lot less feeling crazy, worn down and out of control.

Once I get this meditation thing down, I'll focus on resolution number two: learn how to stand on my head...but more on that later!

So tell me, do you make New Year's resolution? And what's more, do you have the self control to make it stick?

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